March 31, 2025

US Patriot Flags ™ American Heros

Honoring American Heroes & Heritage

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Canada

Canada is a vast nation consisting of 6 different time-zones and the longest coastline in the world. There are also quite a few other facts about Canada which you would not have a clue about.

We will be, today, bringing to fore, more such unknown facts about Canada.

1. Cheese Loving Nation:
Canadians love cheese. They are the largest consumer of Kraft Macaroni and cheese dinners. The appetite for cheese only keeps growing in Canada.

2. Alien landing base:
Canada is one of the very few nations in the world which has already made preparations for aliens arriving on earth. Back in 1967, they constructed a landing pad for UFOs in St, Paul, Alberta.

3. Sparsely Populated:
By landmass, Canada is the second largest country in the world. However, if you look into Canada’s share in world’s population it stands only at 0.5% of the total world population.

4. Home to Santa:
Santa Claus is an official Canadian citizen, thanks to the declaration of the Canadian government. When you send a letter to Santa to the north pole, it gets answered indeed. Many people have tried sending the letter to Santa in different languages and almost all of them get a response. The workshop for Santa has its own Postal Code H0H 0H0  or ho ho ho!

5. Snake Capital:
The Province of Manitoba is also known as the snake capital of the world. During the month of May, snakes end their hibernation and this results in more than 70,000 snakes surfacing.

The most popular species of snake in Canada is the Red-sided garter snake.

6. Women security:
Among all the G20 countries, Canada is considered to be the best country for women. Now that is an accolade which more countries would like to have.

7. Country of Lakes:
Sure, Canada is a pretty large country, but even knowing that wouldn’t prepare you for the next fact which we are disclosing.

Canada consists of a whopping 2 million lakes.

Owing to this unique topological feature, it can even be called the country of lakes.

8. Longest peaceful border:
The longest non-militarized border in the world is between USA and Canada. This in itself, creates some unique facts as in cities like Stanstead, there is a public library which falls in both countries owing to the location of the building stretching across the border.

9. A wildlife conservationist:
Canada comprises of many wildlife parks and sanctuaries. However, the interesting thing about Canadian wildlife parks is their size.

For example, Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta, Canada is bigger than Switzerland.

10. Bathtub race:
Canada is the only country in the world which holds a bathtub race.

Every year, Nanaimo in British Columbia which is a part of Canada holds the bathtub race.

11. A new flag in 1965:
The maple leaf flag of Canada which we see among flags for sale of other countries was officially recognized only in 1965. From the 1890s to 1965, the unofficial flag was being used which was known as the Canadian Red Ensign. The Canadian flag is also the most unique country flag in the world due to its dimensions.

Today, in most of the places, you would only find the maple leaf flag and you would not find the older Red Ensign flags for sale easily.

12. Rich in Caesium:
Caesium is an element which is used to create atomic clocks. The atomic clocks which are made using Caesium can only deviate by 2 seconds in a time period of 65 million years, making them the most precise atomic clocks.

The interesting thing is world’s 2/3rd Caesium is located in Bernic Lake in the Manitoba province.

Caesium applications are increasing pretty rapidly and it is also used as a lubricant in the drilling process.

Those were some of the interesting things about Canada. We bet, you didn’t know at least a few of those facts about Canada.